Monday, August 6, 2018

Assaulted = Worthless?

It is really difficult for me to write this. I’m so very scared. But, I’ve faced my other difficulties with your help. So, I’ll face this too.

After ten years of working my ass off with my employer Weaver Street Market, on Friday (July 27), they terminated me because my assault left me with too many medical restrictions to be able immediately to return to work.

Weaver Street Market, the local caring cooperative. with 250 employees. Three outlets. A fourth one opening in Raleigh this December. Terminated me because I was attacked on the street. I haven’t got over it quick enough for them. And they no longer have a place for me.

The WSM HR Manager met with me about a week ago. Sympathized with me. Held out hope. Telling me I could re-apply. Went back to her office. And sent me an e-mail terminating me.

I cannot get unemployment benefits because I am not available for work at the moment. My entire medical team: specialists, physical therapy, chiropractors, hospital staff (for my weekly IV treatment), counselors have all said I will not be ready for even light work until this November.

Weaver Street Market and their HR Manager know this. They have seen every single one of the medical reports. They agreed FMLA Leave. General Leave. And then they just ran out of patience and abandoned me, to fight on my own. Well. Not on my own. For me and my son.

This has sent my anxiety through the roof. It is anxiety which prevents me keeping my food down. Which is why I weigh only 80 pounds. Which is why my leg muscles have atrophied. Which is why I am now why I have to use a walker or cane. Which is why I keep falling down, preventing my healing. Which is why I can’t work.

I still wear a brace for my healing ribs. Healing which is taking longer, because I am malnourished. My head is still glued from front to back, because of the slow healing. I see my counselor every single week. I work every day to exercise the working of my brain, which is still in trauma.

It is not easy to share this. I was once very independent and confident.

I do not have enough money to survive until November.

I can’t afford to buy health insurance when my WSM health insurance runs out in a month’s time.
I need that insurance to recover.

I have no idea who will hire me in November.
Weaver Street Market have gone to great lengths to accommodate long-standing employees with difficulties before now. But, they just terminated me.
I did everything they asked of me. Everything I was advised to do. But, they just terminated me.
I am shattered. And I am scared.

So many of you have been beyond kind so far. But I need your help again. That’s my difficulty. Asking you again. For me and Dario. (But I must.)

Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.  I am fighting every day to sustain myself. I am fighting every day to take care of myself.

For those of you who love and support my little family, thank you. For those of you who are involved in your own world, I hope nothing like this ever happens to you.

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