Sunday, April 22, 2018

Imagine This.

Imagine this.
Being a 100 pound woman on a chilly night in a town you have lived in for almost 11 years. Walking down roads you've known since you moved there, but it took you forever to lean those streets when you moved there years ago.
Imagine wearing a simple black  hoodie and backpack, with $18 in cash and some quarters. And some lip gloss. And your car keys.
And then, imagine, someone grabbing you by your backpack. Being punched in the face, multiple times. And  then thrown down, having your ribs broken, your skull cracked. Your nose broken. Your jaw not working. Being thrown into a fence near a place you first visited. A town that you learned to love. A town, at some point, you were feeling somewhat safe in
Imagine running to the car you worked so much for, blood steaming down your head with no one to help you. No one around.
Imagine crawling into your home.Calling the police and passing out from blood loss  on your own floor. Then, waking up to police, covered in blood. Terrified. Scared. In pain.
Then carried out of your home. crying and horrified of the blood. Of the ambulance.
And find out there is nothing you can do. Because the person who assaulted you took cash. Imagine that.
I had nothing else with me.
The next day, when I got home, I talked to my sister. I almost thought I was telling a joke. This didn't happen to me. This isn't real. But it's very real. This all happened. To me. In Carrboro.
(Fun fact: I have to wear a back brace most of the time and have a lazy eye.)
I cannot speak without a stutter. Imagine that. Because we all know I talk too much.
Everything that I was feeling safe with is gone. It is gone. Not forever, but it is gone for now. For me.
I am scared about sharing everything that happened. I will, because I know there are other people out there who have been through this. I am here to be a support while i recover. I want to believe we can recover. Become stronger. Be patient while it happens (which seems impossible).
I love you all.

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