Friday, October 19, 2018

Trying to Open my Eyes.

This is a hoodie that my #1 Warrior sent to me. It is comfortable, warm, and now I wear it for all my IV and doctor visits. He goes to Clemson. Much like my other #1 Warrior, they send me hoodies from their schools. They send them to keep me warm and make me feel safe.

Fall was one of my favorite times of year. I use to love celebrating my birthday (and making everyone else celebrate it with me). My Mom has a birthday this month as well, and I always loved spending birthdays together. Always simple, but things we wanted to do.

I can't do that this year. It is sad to me because there are so many things I feel like I am missing out on. The things I am not physically or financially able to. It makes me agry. It makes me nervous. It makes me sad.

But I keep these things close to me to feel safe. I cherish my late night calls with my Mom.

I am not going to feel selfish for asking for more help, more assistance. I am doing all that I can, but I am un-employed with no health insurance. I hope everyone knows how much I appreciate their help and out-reach.

All my love to all of you.

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